Countertop Calculator

River Table Calculator

Clear Coating Calculator

Based on 1/8 inch coating.

Floor Calculator

Coverage @ 10 mil (0.25 mm),

How much epoxy do I need?

Are you unsure about the quantity of epoxy required for your project? Our comprehensive epoxy calculators will help you determine precisely how much epoxy you need. Whether you're working on a small craft or a large-scale project, our calculators will provide you with accurate measurements, ensuring you never run out of epoxy mid-task. Take the guesswork out of your epoxy calculations and make your project a success.

Epoxy Calculator

Welcome to our Epoxy Resin Calculator, the go-to resource for accurately estimating the materials you need for various epoxy resin projects. Whether you're working on a stunning countertop, a mesmerizing river table, a crystal-clear coating, or a durable epoxy resin floor, our calculator will help you achieve precise measurements for a successful project.

Our calculator takes into account the dimensions, thickness, and other parameters specific to each project type, ensuring you achieve optimal results without wasting materials. With just a few simple inputs, you'll receive comprehensive measurements, helping you plan and budget effectively.

How to Calculate Epoxy Resin:

Calculating epoxy resin quantities accurately is crucial for achieving optimal results in your projects. Here's a breakdown of the process:

Select Your Project Type:

  • Countertop
  • River Table
  • Clear Coating
  • Floor

Choose the Relevant Epoxy Calculator:
Each epoxy resin calculator is specifically designed to cater to the requirements of a particular project type. Click on the respective epoxy calculator to access it.

Enter Project Dimensions:
Provide the necessary measurements, such as length, width, and height, based on the specific project requirements. The calculator will help you determine the amount of epoxy resin needed.

Adjust Additional Parameters:
Depending on the epoxy calculator, you may need to adjust additional parameters, such as depth, thickness, or desired coating thickness. These parameters ensure precise calculations.

Calculate and Receive Results:
Hit the "Calculate" button to obtain the accurate amount of epoxy resin required for your project. The epoxy calculator will display the quantity in appropriate units (e.g., liters, gallons) based on your inputs.

How the Epoxy Resin Calculator Works:
Our epoxy calculator utilizes advanced algorithms to provide accurate estimates based on the dimensions and parameters you input. The calculations take into account various factors such as surface area, desired thickness, and coverage rates, ensuring precise resin quantity recommendations.


How do I calculate the amount of epoxy resin needed?

To determine the amount of epoxy resin required for your project, our calculator factors in the dimensions and thickness of the surface you're coating. By entering these measurements into our user-friendly calculator, you'll receive accurate estimates of the epoxy resin quantity needed.

Why should I use an epoxy calculator?

Using an epoxy calculator is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures accurate measurements, helping you avoid costly mistakes caused by over or underestimating the amount of epoxy resin needed. Secondly, it saves you time and money by providing precise quantities, allowing you to purchase only what you require. Lastly, it simplifies the planning process, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your project's success.

How can I prevent wasting epoxy resin?

To prevent wasting epoxy resin, consider the following tips:

  • Measure accurately: Take precise measurements of the project area and enter them into our epoxy calculator. Avoid estimating or rounding off measurements as this can lead to excess or insufficient resin.
  • Plan wisely: Carefully plan your project and calculate the required quantities beforehand using our calculator. This helps you purchase the right amount of epoxy resin, minimizing wastage.
  • Mix in batches: Mixing epoxy resin in smaller batches allows you to use the required amount efficiently. This prevents any unused resin from curing and going to waste.
  • Practice good application techniques: Follow proper application techniques to ensure an even and controlled spread of epoxy resin. This reduces the likelihood of excess resin pooling or dripping, which can result in wastage.

What information do I need to use the epoxy resin calculator?

Our epoxy calculator typically requires you to input the length, width, and thickness of the area you're working on. These measurements are essential for obtaining precise epoxy calculations.

What is epoxy?


Epoxy is also widely used in the following applications:

Countertops: Epoxy resin countertops have become increasingly popular due to their durability, smooth surface, and customizable appearance. These countertops are commonly used in kitchens, bathrooms, laboratories, and commercial spaces. Epoxy countertops can be designed with various colors, patterns, and even embedded decorative elements like stones or shells.

River Tables: River tables are a type of furniture made using epoxy resin to create the look of a "river" running through the center of the table. Wood or other materials are used as the base, and epoxy is poured between the two pieces to create a stunning, transparent effect. These tables have become trendy for their unique, eye-catching designs.

Art and Craft Projects: Epoxy resin is a favored material among artists and crafters for creating various art pieces, jewelry, and decorative items. Its ability to encapsulate objects, provide a glossy finish, and act as an adhesive makes it ideal for creating beautiful, intricate artwork.

Encapsulation and Embedding: Epoxy resin is used to encapsulate and preserve various items, such as coins, insects, flowers, and small mementos. These encapsulated pieces are often used in DIY projects, crafts, or personalized gifts.

Woodworking and Furniture Making: Beyond river tables, epoxy resin is also used in woodworking and furniture making to fill cracks, voids, or imperfections in wood, creating a smooth, even surface. It enhances the appearance of the wood and provides added strength and protection.

3D Printing: Epoxy resins are used in certain types of 3D printing technologies, such as stereolithography (SLA) and digital light processing (DLP). These resins are cured layer by layer to create precise and intricate 3D objects.

Jewelry Making: Epoxy resin is often used in combination with molds to create unique and colorful resin jewelry pieces. Its ability to create transparent or translucent finishes allows artists to embed various materials, such as dried flowers or glitter, for added visual appeal.

Marine Applications: Epoxy resins are used to laminate fiberglass for boat construction and repair due to their excellent water resistance and bonding properties.

Flooring Systems: Epoxy is a popular choice for flooring systems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings due to its durability, chemical resistance, and ease of maintenance.

Epoxy's versatility, coupled with its clear and glossy finish, makes it an attractive material for creative projects in the art, woodworking, and crafting communities. The wide range of available epoxy formulations, pigments, and additives allows artists and artisans to experiment and achieve various effects, resulting in stunning and innovative creations.